Public Holidays 2024 Calendar

2024 Calendar Templates and Images
2024 Calendar Templates and Images
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As we approach the end of the year, it’s important to start planning ahead for the upcoming year. Public holidays are a great way to plan your vacations, events, and gatherings with your loved ones. So, here’s a comprehensive guide to the public holidays in 2024.

List of Public Holidays 2024:

1st January – New Year’s Day

21st March – International Women’s Day

15th April – Good Friday

18th April – Easter Monday

1st May – Labor Day

1st June – Children’s Day

22nd June – Anti-Fascist Struggle Day

25th June – Statehood Day

5th August – Victory and Homeland Thanksgiving Day and the Day of Croatian defenders

15th August – Assumption of Mary

1st November – All Saints’ Day

25th December – Christmas Day

26th December – St. Stephen’s Day

Events and Festivals in Public Holidays 2024 Calendar:

1. International Women’s Day – March 21st

The International Women’s Day is celebrated on March 21st every year. It’s a day to celebrate the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women. It’s a day to raise awareness about gender equality and women’s rights.

2. Easter – April 15th – April 18th

Easter is celebrated from April 15th to April 18th. It’s a Christian holiday that commemorates the resurrection of Jesus Christ. It’s a time for family gatherings, feasting, and attending church services.

3. Labor Day – May 1st

Labor Day is celebrated on May 1st every year. It’s a day to honor the achievements of workers and to promote workers’ rights. It’s a day to raise awareness about the issues that workers face, such as low wages, unsafe working conditions, and lack of job security.

4. Children’s Day – June 1st

Children’s Day is celebrated on June 1st every year. It’s a day to celebrate childhood and to promote children’s rights. It’s a day to raise awareness about the issues that children face, such as poverty, malnutrition, and lack of education.

5. Victory and Homeland Thanksgiving Day and the Day of Croatian defenders – August 5th

Victory and Homeland Thanksgiving Day and the Day of Croatian defenders is celebrated on August 5th every year. It’s a day to commemorate the victory in the Croatian War of Independence. It’s a day to honor the Croatian defenders who fought for the independence of Croatia.

6. Assumption of Mary – August 15th

The Assumption of Mary is celebrated on August 15th every year. It’s a Christian holiday that commemorates the belief that Mary, the mother of Jesus, was taken up into heaven after her death. It’s a day for attending church services and for family gatherings.

Question and Answer (Q&A) and FAQs:

Q: How many public holidays are there in 2024?

A: There are 13 public holidays in 2024.

Q: Are public holidays the same in every country?

A: No, public holidays vary from country to country.

Q: Do businesses and schools close on public holidays?

A: Yes, businesses and schools usually close on public holidays.

Q: Can I celebrate public holidays even if I’m not from that country?

A: Yes, you can celebrate public holidays even if you’re not from that country. It’s a great way to learn about different cultures and traditions.

Q: Can public holidays be moved to another day?

A: Yes, public holidays can be moved to another day if they fall on a weekend or a non-working day.

So, plan your year ahead and make the most of the public holidays in 2024. Celebrate, learn, and enjoy!